Last Update: December 2006 |
1. AB Medium: | Mix 2.5 g of sucrose in 450 mL of dH2O, 25 mL of 20X AB Buffer, and 25 mL of 20X AB Salts
(Autoclave) |
2. 20X AB Buffer: | Mix 78.6 g of K2HPO4-3H2O or 60.0 g of K2HPO4, 23.0 g of NaH2PO4-H2O, and add dH2O to 1 L (Autoclave) |
3. 20X AB Salts: | Mix 20.0 g of NH4Cl, 6 g of MgSO4-7H2O or 2.9 g of MgSO4, 3 g of KCl, 0.26 g of CaCl2-2H2O or 0.2 g of CaCl2, and 50 mg of FeSO4-7H2O. pH 7.0. dH2O to 1 L (Autoclave) |
The idea of this protocol is to introduce the plasmid of interest into Agrobacteria with the help of a helper E. coli bacteria containing a vector that helps in the mobilization of the vector from the bacteria to the Agrobacteria. A reference describing the helper vector is: Ditta G., Stanfield S., Corbin D., and Helinski DR. (1980) Broad host range DNA cloning system for Gram-negative bacteria: Construction of a gene bank of Rhizobium meliloti. PNAS 77: 7347-7351. A reference describing the whole protocol can be found in the following reference: Figurski DH., and Helinski DR (1979) Replication of an origin-containing derivative of plasmid RK2 dependent on a plasmid functin provided in trans. PNAS 76: 1648-1652 | |
1. Grow overnight the following cultures in a shaking incubator: | |
1.1 Helper bacteria with helper vector (Kan50) in LB medium (at 37oC) | |
1.2 Your clone in LB medium (at 37oC) |
1.3 Agrobacteria into which your vector is to be transferred (GV3101, Gent50), in AB medium (at 28oC) | |
2. Mix 100 uL of each of the three cultures into a single tube | |
3. Pellet cells and resuspend in 100 uL of LB medium | |
4. Plate in an LB plate. IMPORTANT: grow at 30oC | |
5. Recover lawn of cells using 5 mL of AB medium |
6. Dilute cell solution (about 1,000) and plate in an AB plate containing antibiotics selecting for the Agrobacteria and for your clone of interest. Grow at 28oC | |
Note: only Agrobateria will be able to grow under these conditions | |