Last Update: December 2006
1. 1M Tris, pH 7.9 (1 L):
Mix 121.1 g of Tris base with 800 mL dH2O. Add ~42 mL cHCl. pH is temperature dependent: ~0.03 pH units per 1oC increase. Make sure it is at RT before making final pH adjustments. Add dH2O to 1 L (Autoclave)
2. 2 M Imidazole
Mix 136.16 g of imidazole with 1 L dH2O
3. 8X Binding buffer (200 mL):
Mix 4 mL of 2M imidazole (40mM), 80 mL of 10M NaCl or 46.75 g of NaCl (4M) and 32 mL of Tris-HCl, pH 7.9 (160mM). pH to 7.9. Add dH2O to 200 mL
4. 8X Wash buffer (200 mL):
Mix 48 mL of 2M imidazole (480mM), 80 mL of 10M NaCl or 46.75 g of NaCl (4M), and 32 mL of Tris-HCl, pH 7.9 (160mM). pH to 7.9. Add dH2O to 200 mL
5. 4X Elute buffer (100 mL):
Mix 27.23 g of Imidazole (4M), 20 mL of 10M NaCl or 11.69 g of NaCl (2M), and 8 mL of Tris-HCl, pH 7.9 (80mM). pH to 7.9. Add dH2O to 100 mL
6. 4X Strip buffer (200 mL):
Mix 29.67 g of EDTA (400mM), 40 mL of 10M NaCl (2M), and 16 mL of Tris-HCl, pH 7.9 (80 mM). pH to 7.9. Add dH2O to 200 mL
7. 8X Charge buffer (100 mL):
Mix 10.51 g of NiSO4 (400mM), with dH2O to 100 mL
1. Prepare protein extract as described (186. B-PER Bacterial Protein extraction reagent; 111. GST-protein fusion expression and purification)
2. Charge column (for every volume of settled Nickel resin): wash ethanol away with 3 volumes of dH2O, followed by 5 volumes of 1X Charge buffer and finally wash with 3 volumes of 1X Binding buffer
3. Add Protein extract in 1X Binding buffer (mix extract with appropiate volume of 8X Binding buffer)

4. Let resin mix with protein at 4oC in a rocker for >30 minutes

5. Wash column with 10 volumes (1-2 times) with 0.5-1X Binding buffer
6. Wash column with 6 volumes (1-2 times) with 0.5-1 X Wash buffer
7. Elute bound protein with 6 volumes (or less) of 1-2X Elution buffer
8. Strip the Nickel and any remaining protein with 6 volumes of 1X Strip buffer