Last Update: December 2006
1. 10X DNA loading buffer (50 mL):
25% Ficoll (Type-400) in dH2O (note: 25% Ficoll is dense and will not go into solution readily, just stir for about 1-2 hours). The buffer is ready for use. But it is a very good idea to add a dye to not only be able to see your sample as you load it on a gel, but to track what size fragments during the run. Any combination of these dyes can be used: 0.25% Bromo-Phenol-blue (300 bp); 0.25% Xylene Cyanol (1-2 kb); 0.25% Orage-G (50 bp). Also, EtBr can be added to the buffer or the gel at a concentration of ~1 mL/10 mL of EtBr. I find it to be better to add it directly to the gel to prevent degradation during storage of the buffer
5X TBE (Tris borate) (1 L):
Mix 54 g of Tris base, 27.5 g of boric acid, 20 mL of 0.5M EDTA, pH 8.0, and dH2O to 1 L
1X TBE (running buffer):
Mix 100 mL of 5X TBE with 900 mL of dH2O
The concentration of agarose needed to resolve the following fragment sizes:
1.2% = 100 bp - 5 kb
2% = 100 bp - 2 kb

4% = 20 bp - 500 bp

1. Mix the desired amoune of agarose with 1X TBE in a flask. For a 1% gel, add 1 g of agarose to 100 mL of 1X TBE
2. Microwave into solution (while microwaving, take flask out of microwave swirl a few times). It is important the the agarose is completely into solution
3. Add EtBr if desired
RECOMMENDED: add EtBr to the gel, this way it is quicker to visualize the DNA fragments right after the gel run

4. Pour gel into agarose gel set up

5. Wait until the gel solidified (~1 hr)
6. Mix DNA samples with loading buffer (1 mL of 10X loading buffer for each 9 mL of DNA sample)
7.Carefully load DNA samples into the wells of the agarose gel
8. Using 1X TBE as running buffer, run the agarose gel (100 V is typically more than enough)
9. Visualize the DNA bands on a UV box or Immaging system
For RNA gel electrophoresis, see protocol Northern blot (113)
The typical bands obtained from total RNA samples are:
3.3 kb (28S)
2.9 kb (23S)
1.8 kb (18S)
1.3 kb (16S)
0.2 kb (5S)
The presence of distinct, sharp bands is indicative of good RNA (no degradation)